Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter morning

M&M's & "pollipops" - his 2 favorites...

Thanks Daddy for building my play set! And thanks Gigi, G-Pop, PJ & Grandy for buying it for me (Christmas present that finally arrived)!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

rolling over

Luke rolled over for the first time on Thursday. He quickly got the hang of it. It's amazing to watch little ones learn these skills we take for granted and how they just learn it by nature. It takes about 10 seconds before he starts to move, so you have to be patient. Like the bald streak on the back of his head?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

down time

Down time doesn't exist much at my house, so I thought I needed a picture of this. Jacob rarely likes his picture taken, much less sits long enough for it to happen. Also, I'm not wearing glasses. I got a contact (yes, singular) yesterday!
Speaking of glasses, here is Jacob with GiGi's glasses (which we thought was hilarious). Doesn't he look like the boy in the Christmas story?


Jacob and Luke both have a new toy! GiGi is giving patient instructions...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Misty

Misty's birthday is coming up (March 15) and we celebrated a little early. A surprise dinner at Germantown Cafe, drinks, girlfriends and no kids was the perfect way to celebrate. Happy Birthday Misty!

Rachel, Allison, Lindsey, Lauren, Julie, Faith, Jenn, Vara, Misty and Jennie

Luke's baptism

Luke was baptized on Sunday. We had a special day with family and friends. Thanks to those who celebrated with us!

Sweet Luke wearing the outfit Jacob was baptized in...

John, Vicki& Drew (Michael's parents and brother), Matt, Karen, Patsy and Larry (Lindsey's brother, sister -in law & parents)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

we got snow!

Jacob loved watching the snow. He said "it's falling falling (as he showed us with his arms how snow falls) need to clean it up" Wish that attitude filtered down to cleaning up his toys :)
Luke loved watching the snow fall too. He was talking to it... Michael asked if we had snow suits. Um, no... since we live in Nashville, we have to come up with makeshift "snow outfits"