Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1 week down... I can't believe it! Thank you so much for everyone visiting, bringing food, helping with the kids, and calling. All of it helps me get through each day and focus on getting baby boy here! My most recent ultrasound was Monday afternoon. I think the goal of them now is that they would be uneventful... Basically as long as they can see that everything is "holding together" then they will let baby keep growing. It is eventful for me though to see this little boy growing. I saw him yawn & suck his thumb which was precious. My mom was visiting me when they came to get me for the ultrasound. They just fit me in, so I never know when they will come. So, mom went with me. That was was the first time she has seen an ultrasound, so it was really sweet. we did see him using his lungs and his diaphragm again which gives me such comfort. Those are two things that are ideal to see functioning for a pre-term baby. My fear right now is the unknown... But even as I think about it, I do feel peace that no matter what, God has me & this little guy in His hands.


Greg and Nicolle said...

Still praying for you, Lindsey... glad to hear that everything is holding steady!

blwilson said...

Lauren shared what was going on during bible study and we are all praying for you all 4 of your precious boys big and small! Love in Christ- Brooke :)