Friday, July 13, 2012

So I'm up again at 430am! Made it a little longer tonight than last and in general, I'm more comfortable. I think I'll take the nurses up on a sleep aid Friday night. As far as I know I will be getting ultrasound Friday. We may be able to see the lining more clearly or we may see baby boy in the same spot since its only been 2 days since my last ultrasound. Praying to see things more cleary which will give us a little more breathing room. Thank you to everyone who has reached out! I truly love hearing from you & am overwhelmed by those willing to help. My friend Jennie is sending out a meal calendar to those interested in helping that way. I would love a visit from anyone who is up for that too. My boys are pretty well taken care of for July. I had planned ahead since we knew this was a possibility. It looks like August will be a little more tricky with childcare since my babysitters will be going back to school/work & Luke doesn't go back until aug 27. Not sure how far I'll make it, so we are trying to take it one week at a time. Most urgent prayer right now would be that we could make it to a minimum of 30 weeks which is around aug 10 & that I wouldnt end up in an emergency situation (doctors tell me that an emergency isn't likely). Pray for Michael as he is adjusting to all this as well... Adding full time dad to his full time work schedule & juggling being with me. My parents have been a huge help too. I am so thankful for my family and community. You guys make this so much easier on us and we are are truly grateful!!